Now we are back in the swing of things, a normal schedule!
DUE this week
To-Do List 2016-17 DUE 8/24 by 11:59PM
MS students – Preparation Assignment #1 DUE Thurs. 8/25 by 11:59PM – Instructions should be ready by class on Tuesday
Band Instagram account:
Please follow the band instagram account and we will follow you back!
Band Movie Afternoons
4-5 times per trimester, we will show movies in the bandroom. Please sign up to bring popcorn, water bottles, bowls, or napkins and RSVP so we know how much popcorn and water bottles to have. Click the first link to RSVP and for details. Click the other links to be prepared to comment on the blog page as you watch.
Star Wars Episode 4 – Tues. Aug. 23, 3:30-5:30 in the bandroom
Last week we posted about last year (2015-16)
This week we look at year one (1997-98)
All of the following links are available on your class haiku page (which will hopefully be viewable later this week)
Band Syllabus (also emailed to you)
Band Calendar Please download, do not edit document
Disney Trip
we hope to have details and deposit information ready soon