Welcome to year 20 of the CA Band!
There is lots to read and do over the next few weeks, so I will give you a headstart. I suggest chipping away at it all over a number of evenings, unless you are an insomniac, in which case I would try to do it all in one sitting. 🙂
All of the following links are available on your class haiku page
Movie Music Choices DUE 8/21
Student Leadership DUE 8/21
To-Do List 2016-17 DUE 8/24
NCAIS Participation Agreement and Musical Resume DUE 8/31 Please download, do not edit document
Band Calendar Please download, do not edit document
Band History (every week I will post picsa,vids, and audio from one of the 20 years of the CA band program)
Movie Themes ( i have posted 12. Students will get to arrange more for the rest of the year)
Soundtrack Project (all students will edit/create a sound track to a video of their choosing – T2 or T3)
Disney Trip – we hope to have details and deposit information ready next week