GoodNews-BandNews 11-10-14

What Are We Doing This Week?



Over Break, play your instrument 3 times

Pick whatever music is fun for you.  Just don’t leave your instrument in its case for 2 solid weeks!


Extra Credit – Due Tuesday, Nov. 11

Extra Credit Form


Band Council meets Tues, Nov. 11  from 3:30-4:30PM

Bring new ideas and be ready to plan to begin working on old ones


11-4-14 Band Concert Recordings, Program, and Pics online

The concert was sensational.  Congratulations on tremendous growth and an entertaining performance, students!

Band Concert 11-4-14


10-20-14 Jazz on the Quad Recordings, Program, and pics online

Our recordings and the Moonlighter’s Recordings are there!

Jazz on the Quad 10-20-14


Portfolios due MONDAY NOV. 10

Make sure to post them on your haiku eportfolio

Portfolio information

Tone Deaf Comic

Sounds like a great party trick