GoodNews-BandNews 10-27-14

What Are We Doing This Week?



Band Concert Tues. Nov. 4

MS Band and US Band are performing

5:30-6:20 US Band rehearses with guests

5:45 optional meal for MS Band students (more info to come)

6:20-6:40  MS Band rehearses Devil Dance with US Band

6:40 MS Band tuning and optional meal for US Band students (more info to come)

7:00-8:30  Concert


Combined MS Band classes rehearse during enrichment

Tues. Oct. 28 (this week)

Tues. Nov. 4 (next week)

As both MS Band classes will be performing together, two rehearsals is the bare minimum to make sure we are prepared for the concert. All 7th/8th grade band students are expected to attend unless excused by Mr. Grush.


Thank you to Band Council

For finishing the huge job of putting concert music in binders


Performance Outfits

Make  sure you have the correct outfit and that it fits – white on top, black on bottom.  Black DRESS shoes and BLACK socks  (for men).

White and Black Band Outfits


Portfolio due dates

US Jazz – Mon. Oct. 27

Other band classes – Mon. Nov. 10

Portfolio information

Tone Deaf Comic

 All-District auditions aren’t this bad!