GoodNews-BandNews 9-15-14

What Are We Doing This Week?


Electronic Music

I have set up some meetings/training sessions for those interested in exploring some electronic music options.  If you didn’t sign the interest form, fear not.  Just let me know you are interested and I’ll let you know when to show up.  🙂

Music Memory

music memory

“Try to take advantage of the brain’s natural processes by spacing learning out over days, instead of cramming it into a single session.  This gives the brain time to organize and synthesize new information in the most efficient way”

Memory Consolidation Process

Music Practice + Time Awake (Memory Stabilization) + Sleep (Memory Enhancement) = Enhanced/Improved Motor Skill

Psychology of Music, November 2013, Sarah E. Allen


Tone Deaf Comic

If the Lord of the Rings Characters Were Band Instruments