NCAIS Honor Band – participation forms due Wednesday, Aug. 27
Return a paper copy or email an electronic copy of the Participation Agreement.
All 7th-12th grade band students are eligible!
Participation Agreement This means I will nominate you, but there is no guarantee you will be selected.
Director Letter I included the director letter because it has information you may want to know (concert info, etc.)
To-Do List was due last Wednesday, Aug. 20
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
I dress a little more casually on weekends – no tie. 🙂
Use your class Haiku page for everything you need to know this year
The old band homepage is still there but has last year’s info.
New this year
- pass-off choices (See syllabus)
- portfolio choices (See band handbook)
- student leaders (needed for special projects as well as daily tasks)
- electronic music (those who wish, may explore)
- two band classes for 7th/8th graders. We will still perform together, but will also work in smaller groups as well.
- Music Learning Theory – our friend Ms. Judy Drtina will work with us
- MS jazz in class (those who wish may explore improvising jazz)
- MS club will be a drumline, open to all MS students. No MS jazz band this year.
UNC Honors Marching Band – Sept. 6 (for US Students)
If you are seriously considering going to UNC, I highly recommend this. Free admission to a UNC football game and you get to do everything the band does at games.
Tone Deaf Comic
Can you figure out the other drivers?