
Student Assessment

50% Class Participation Will appear as Participation Average in gradebook
20% Portfolio Compile once per trimester
30% Preparation Assessments Replace Pass-offs

Class Participation

The effectiveness of student participation in class will be observed daily.  Students should work hard, listen intently, play together, and have fun.

Other criteria include:

  • being on time and prepared to begin class
  • having all materials
  • cleaning and maintaining instrument
  • being able to keep up with the class
  • focusing on class activities
  • following instructions
  • maintaining a positive attitude
  • exhibiting self-control
  • parents and students – returning forms (paper or electronic) promptly

Students who wish to raise their participation average should ask Mr. Grush how they can improve, practice, then see Mr. Grush for an appointment to demonstrate the improvement(s).  All students start with an average of 94 (A).

Preparation Assessments

In past years, we have had pass-offs in class to assess student progress.  This year, students will have more choice and utilize the capabilities of their accounts at

Preparation Assessments will be completed outside of class and submitted through student accounts at

An “Incomplete” on an assignment means the assignment has not been completed or has not been received.  Once the assignment is completed, the “incomplete” will be replaced with the grade s/he has earned.

To raise grades, students may submit a new recording or make an appointment to play for Mr. Grush during advisory/club period or after school. Students have one week after the assignment due date to complete the assignment for partial credit or to play the assignment again.


At the end of the trimester, students will compile a portfolio in their account.  Students may use the assessments already completed.  Portfolios will be evaluated as follows:

B (83) Uses the trimester preparation assessments exactly as submitted previously
Makes improvements in one or more assessments and submits the new recording(s) along with the original ones
Submits the trimester preparation assessments plus at least one brand new one that the student chooses from ideas below.  Also, the student makes improvements in one or more assessments and submits the new recording(s) along with the original ones

Ideas for the new preparation assessment in a student portfolio

  • Record music of the student’s choosing (with or without background accompaniment)
  • Review a favorite piece of music and include a link so Mr. Grush can hear.
  • Listen to 3 different rehearsal recordings (of our class playing the same piece) and reflect on at least 3 specific skills we have improved. Also give advice on what more we can do to improve further.
  • Reflect on your individual progress made this trimester including at least 3 specific skills that you have improved.
  • Attend a live musical performance and write a review. List at least 3 titles and composers of pieces you hear as well as identify 3 specific skills that the performer has mastered.
  • Tutor someone else on playing your band instrument.  Write a reflection and include at least 3 specific skills that your student has improved.



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