GoodNews-BandNews 4-28-14

What are we doing this week?

Guests this week
Ms. Judy Drtina will be directing classes on Monday and Friday while I am out.  Monday is a retreat for the newly formed Blended Learning Team (hybrid of online and traditional classroom instruction).  Friday-Sunday I will be with Pranay Tankala at the All-State Band Weekend at UNC.

Band on the Quad/Awards volunteer sign-ups
A HUGE thank you to all who have volunteered.  We have almost enough help but still need:

  • Someone to copy the program Monday, May 5, during the school day
  • Asembling Programs Tues. May 6 after school
  • Awards table the night of the concert May 7

Band on Quad/Awards volunteer sign-ups

Also, we are working on having a meal option available at the concert, so stay tuned.
Black outfit reminders
All black, including shoes and socks.  Just black.  All black.
Click for outfit information

Concert Reminders

  • All 9th-12th grade  Band and Jazz students meet at 4:30pm on the Quad to rehearse with guests.  Finish at 5:30. Change. Eat.
  • All 6th-8th grade band students meet at 5:30 to warm-up and tune.  Arrive dressed in black outfit.  Be ready to play at 5:30 sharp.
  • The concert begins at 6:00 pm and will be over no later than 8:00pm (hopefully earlier).  All students are expected to stay for the entire performance.
  • We need help from everyone moving equipment back to the bandroom after the concert.

Special rehearsals/Assembly
There is just an assembly for MS. No Assembly for US.  US did one in November. 🙂

Tues. 5-6 11:55-12:30(MS 6th, US G/lunch) Combined rehearsal MS/US Band –bandroom 7th-12th grade band students (no jazz)
Tues. 5-6 2:25-3:10(MS enrichment) Combined rehearsal BB/MS Band –bandroom all 6th, 7th and 8th grade band students
Wed. 5-7 2:35-3:10 (9th pd) MS Band Assembly for MS students-Quad Beginning & MS Band, MS Jazz


Tone Deaf Comic (I don’t know why it won’t link.  Sorry!)