GoodNews-BandNews 10-7-13

What are we doing this week?


Practice Journals

EXAMPLE – Grush’s Practice Journal

I have been doing this every day for the past month.  It takes only a few minutes and really helps me focus my practice and make it more effective.  I am asking students to simply write notes on your practicing at the beginning of each class, and then post a weekly reflection on your haiku wiki page.  Of course, you can always jot down your thoughts on each practice session at home right when you finish.  🙂

MS Band class page US Band Class Page US Jazz
class page
US Combo class page


Picture/Plaque Hanging Help Still Needed

We still need help!


All-Black Outfit Reminder

Black Outfits


NCAIS Honor Band Information



Weekly Open Jazz Jam Session

Open Jam Session


Jazz on the Quad

MS and US Jazz Bands will perform Monday Oct. 21 at Jazz on the Quad.  Help moving equipment after school is needed.  Students report at 5pm for pictures and warm-up.  Concert 5:30-7:30.

Dress for the concert is all black with one additional red/white/blue item.  Shoes socks, pants, and shirt must be black.  The additional item may be a hat, tie, vest, suspenders, etc.

Members of the UNC Jazz Faculty Combo will work with both groups that day to help prepare for the concert.  US Jazz students will miss classes from 8am-11am and MS Jazz students will miss classes from noon-3pm that day.