DC/NYC Trip meeting for parents – Friday, September 6 at 7:45am in the bandroom.
- Ask questions and make suggestions.
- Commitments and Deposits due Friday, September 20.
- Dates for the trip are Friday, February 28 – Tuesday, March 4.
- Cost will be $800-$1,000.
- Participation is optional but highly encouraged.
- 2014 Cary Academy Band DC-NYC Preliminary Itinerary and Cost
NCAIS Honor Band 2013 Participation Agreement DUE WEDNESDAY SEPT. 4
- I only have 2 forms so far and there are DOZEN of students who should be in this band!
- Email the form to me or give me a paper copy.
If you are selected and attend the honor band weekend October 10-11:
- Mr. Grush will arrange transportation to Wilmington, but families will be responsible to arrange transportation home after the concert.
- Chaperones and drivers are needed. Chaperones will be responsible for students at times when Mr. Grush has other responsibilities to run the honor band weekend.
- Since that is our Fall Break weekend, Mr. Grush may stay the weekend in Wilmington and not return to CA after the concert.
Little Book of Talent – read by Monday, September 9
We will discuss in class next week and use the 52 tips to design our portfolios.
Action Items from 2012-13 Band Surveys
I discussed these at the meet the teacher night. Thought the students would want to see them too. 🙂
Some upcoming concerts you may want to catch
The Boylan Bridge Brass Quintet (they came to CA last year!) join Organist Josh Dumbleton
Friday September 6, 2013 – 7:30 PM
Edenton Street United Methodist Church
228 W Edenton St Raleigh, NC 27603
PDF Poster
The NCJRO (NC Jazz Repertory Orchestra) – best jazz band in all of NC!
Sharp Nine
Tuesday September 10, 8pm
Buy tickets for North Carolina Jazz Repertory Orchestra (NCJRO)