GoodNews-BandNews 8-18-13

Welcome to the 2013-14 Cary Academy Band Program –

We’re going to Washington DC and New York Feb. 28-March 4!  Okay, so i am just a bit excited.

Let me say that I am in the process of re-organizing my web resources using Haiku LMS (Learnng Management System).  Hopefully, it will make things easier for you to find information.  Until then, I’m working off the old system

Here is What are we doing this week?

Only one item this week and it is a biggie . . . the dreaded to-do list (cue suspenseful music here)

The to-do is due Monday, Aug. 26. Please do the to-do when it is due.

Band ToDo List 2013-14

Please email me with questions or if you need help.

Looking forward to an incredible year!

Start spreadin’ the news. . .