- Come to class on time, check the board, prepare music and pencil
- Assemble instrument properly
- Warm-up sensibly so that students and Mr. Grush mayask and answer questions as needed
- Posture for wind players – sit with feet on floor, back straight and away from chair, with shoulders back
- Breathe by expanding around the waist and keeping a firm stomach while blowing a steady stream of air
- Demonstrate a proper embouchure (mouth) or grip (for percussionists)
- PITCH – Memorize, be able to identify names of notes, and play them in a specified range
- SOUND – Produce a characteristic, controlled sound
- STYLE – Use proper articulation, dynamics, and phrasing
- TECHNIQUE – Demonstrate correct fingering for notes in specified range
- TIME – Be able to count and play rhythms of whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, triplets, and dotted values
- TIME – Tap a toe to demonstrate keeping a steady tempo
- Listen to section members during rehearsal to match sound, pitch, style, and tempo
- Use effective practice strategies
- Clean and maintain instrument
- Parents and students – return forms (paper or electronic) promptly
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