Student Leaders

President – CEO of the class.  Helps run weekly planning sessions, contributes weekly shout-outs, represents all students of the class. Supervises student leaders. Elected by the class.

Student Director – CMO (Chief Musical Officer) of the class.  Helps run weekly planning sessions, conducts class when needed, tutors class members as needed, makes recordings as needed, assigns section leaders to tutor or make recordings as needed, contributes weekly shout-outs.  Supervises section leaders. Appointed by Mr. Goofy

Secretary – documents daily class activities, documents results of weekly planing sessions, documents other information as needed. Appointed by Mr. Grush

Librarian – helps to copy music and organize binders.  Appointed by Mr. Grush

Section Leader – leads sectional rehearsals, tutors section members as needed, makes recordings as needed, contributes ideas to weekly planning sessions, contributes weekly shout-outs.  Appointed by Mr. Grush


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