GoodNews/BandNews 6-3-13

What are we doing this week? – taking our instruments home to practice diligently over the summer!

Graduates and US students/families – I’m keeping you on the email list for another few weeks.

All GoodNews/BandNews posts

In this edition:

  • Band Student/Parent Feedback – Partial Summary
  • 2014 Washington DC/New York City Trip information
  • 2014 Winter Musical Orchestra – rising 9th-12th graders needed!
  • Recordings of MS and Beginning Band Ensemble Performances
  • Summer Private Lessons – Lesson teacher info
  • All-State Band recordings


Band Student/Parent Feedback – Partial Summary

It will take a while longer to go through all of the feedback and decide on action items for next year, but here are 3 things I want to share now. 

Partial Summary of Band Feedback 2012-13

DC/NYC Trip – It looks like a little over half of respondents are interested, and a little less than half need more information or are leaning against it.  More details below.

Band newsletter – seems to be read more than I actually thought.  By putting information in a weekly newsletter, I am trying to cut down on the number of emails band families get from CA.  🙂

American Music ideas – there are some I have already been thinking about and many new ideas I will consider as well.


 2014 Washington DC/New York City Trip information

The tentative dates will be Friday, Feb. 28 – Tuesday, March 4.  We will take a charter bus (big bus, not the small CA ones)

We are not allowed to miss more than one day of classes, so it has to be over a break.  Fall break is too early to be ready for performances and a 3 day weekend still isn’t enough time for a 5 day trip.  Faculty vacation is the 2nd week of Spring Break and I am already giving 7 weekends for various Honor Bands.  Speaking of Honor Bands, All-State Band and Jazz auditions are Sat. March 8 and we had 4 students audition this year.  I must go to auditions or our students may not particiate.  To give those students time to practice a few days before the auditions, we need to be back by mid-week  Students playing CA sports still have practices/games March 3-5.  So they would still be back for Wed. March 5.  I’m sure there will be other school conflicts as well as family conflicts which will impact your decision whether to participate.

I’m working on the itinerary. Anyone who would like to help with trip planning is welcome to jump in now!

In Washington DC, I am trying to schedule a workshop/performance, attend a performance of one of the U.S. Military Bands (best concert bands in the country), and have various options for sight-seeing.  In NYC I am trying to schedule another workshop/performance, attend a Broadway musical, attend one or more jazz clubs, visit the 9/11 memorial, and have various options for shopping/sight-seeing.

I am hoping there will be enough interest that we can perform in Washington DC and New York.  In order to create a combined 7th-12th grade group from different classes, we will have to have some after school rehearsals. 


2014 Winter Musical Orchestra – rising 9th-12th graders needed!

The Arts department is considering an all school musical that uses a student orchestra.  This is the first time in a number of years.  There is a wide variety of music (classical, jazz, gospel, ragtime, latin, etc.) and it is really fun.  I cannot tell you what the show is.

To succeed we need Upper School musicians to participate.  It is a huge time committment and will be one of the hardest things you have ever done, but the experience will be SO worth it!   Mr. Qiao and I will prepare the strings and the winds.  Then Mrs. Holcombe will take over and conduct the final few weeks.

So please start thinking about it.

To try to minimize after school rehearsals, we will take Wednesdays during C block to do some of the rehearsing.  Here is a rough idea of the committment.

  • Mon. Nov. 11 – orchestra auditions
  • Fri. Nov. 15 – 1 st rehearsal 12:30-3:30 (school lets out at noon)


  • Mondays 3:30-5:00 or 3:30-5:30 (I’ll decide once I get to look at the music in late October)
  • Wednesdays during C block (folks not in Jazz Band, we’ll figure it out)
  • Beginning Jan. 15, add Wednesdays after school 3:30-5:30
  • Week of Feb. 3, Mon/Wed 3:30-6:30, not sure about Thurs/Fri
  • Sun. Feb. 9, 1:00-6:30
  • Feb. 10-11 dresses 3:30-8:30, Feb. 12-14 shows 3:30-9:30

 During the hectic week of the production, there will be time for homework and meals.  Part of the experience is learning how to use little bits of time to get your work done.  It is hard, but doable.


Recordings of MS and Beginning Band Ensemble Performances in class Wed. May 29

Bravo to all Groups for your effort and improvement.  Imagine what we could do with more than a handful of rehearsals!

 Beginning Band          MS Band


Summer Private Lessons – Lesson teacher info

If you are not taking private lessons, summer is the perfect time to try a lesson with a teacher or two to see what you think.

Here is a list of teachers.  Please let me now if I need to make changes, additions, or deletions.

Private Teachers


All-State Band recordings

Here are a few recordings of the All-State Band.  Pranay Tankala is playing with the the MS All-State Band.  Bravissimo, Pranay!

Procession of the Nobles MS All- State 2013.mp3

Pathways (Michael Oare) MS All- State 2013.mp3

Star Spangled Banner (Stamp) 9-10 All-State 2013.mp3

American Elegy (Ticheli) 9-10 All-State 2013.mp3