GoodNews/BandNews 5-13-13

What are we doing this week? – celebrating an outstanding concert!

All GoodNews/BandNews posts

In this edition:

  • Thank You parents!!!
  • T3 Portfolio due this week
  • Guest Instructors in class this week
  • Wednesdays in May – Jazz concerts, Koka Booth ampitheater, 5:30pm. $5
  •  Triangle Youth Jazz Ensemble and Triangle Youth Jazz Ensemble II Summer Sessions


 Thank You parents!!!

In my efforts to steamline the concert/awards and finish in 90 minutes, I made the huge error of not thanking all of the band parents.  Our students, our band, and our school would ot succeed if not for your support, inspiration, cajolling to practice, driving to lessons, communication,  and being here to listen to performances.  THANK YOU PARENTS!

In addition, there are too many people to adequately thank for donating their time, talent, and resources to help the band.  Many of you have taken work or family time to organize and  chaperone trips, move equipment, run errands, drive busses, arrange snacks and meals, prepare awards, and the list goes on!  You make it possible for me to focus on teaching music and on helping our students grow.  THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS!


T3 Portfolio due this Friday, May 17

Go to the Portfolio page (link on band homepage) for details.


Guest Instructors in class this week

I  have confirmed a number of instructors and am waiting to hear from a few more.

Wed. May 15 – Ms. Judy Drtina (trumpet, horn), Christine Thompson (trombone), Guillo Carias (jazz piano, trumpet)

Thurs. May 16 Krista Siachames (percussion)


Wednesdays in May – Jazz concerts, Koka Booth ampitheater, 5:30pm. $5


Triangle Youth Jazz Ensemble and Triangle Youth Jazz Ensemble II Summer Sessions

(go to and scroll down and click on the Jazz Summer sessions photo for information and registration)

 The Triangle Youth Jazz Ensemble (TYJE) and Triangle Youth Jazz Ensemble II (TYJE II) are based in Raleigh. TYJE musicians are directed by Dr. Gregg Gelb and TYJE II by Lisa Burn. Both groups are for musicians who want to develop the skills to perform a wide range of jazz compositions and will provide the opportunity to study and perform the best of big band jazz in a professional setting. TYJE is for advanced jazz musicians in grades 8 – 12. TYJE II is for intermediate jazz musicians in grades 6 – 12. The summer session is for musicians who play saxophone, trumpet, trombone, guitar, piano, string bass, or drums. Although there is no entrance audition, new musicians will play a short audition to determine which ensemble best fits their needs and skill level.