What are we doing this week? (Due dates, class activities)
In this Edition
- 2011 NCAIS Honor Band – 20 CA Band students selected!
- Student Leaders
- Mr. Grush available for one on one tutoring
- Marking your music
2011 NCAIS Honor Band
Congratulations to all of the students who were nominated for the NCAIS Honor Band. Read more about it.
Student Leaders
Mr. Grush will be finalizing officers (president, student director) and section leaders for each class. He will wait until later this trimester to name officers and section leaders for 6th grade band.
Appointments with Mr. Grush
Remember – Mr. Grush is available during US lunch, MS enrichment, and after school for one on one tutoring with students. Just sign up for an appointment time on the inside of the bandroom door. If you make an appointment or have a standing appointment, make sure to be there or tmake sure cross your name of the sign-up sheet a day ahead of time so that others can use that time. With almost 100 students, we need to be respectful of Mr. Grush’s time and compassionate towards classmates who may need to use that time if you cannot.
Marking your music
Since the goal of every practice session should be to improve something, I STRONGLY reccomend marking your music to help you to keep from making the same mistake again. Here are some tips:
- Keep a pencil in your binder to use in class EVERY DAY and one on your music stand at home
- Do not use the clear plastic page protectors. You won’t go to the trouble of taking the page out to mark it.
- In class, if Mr. Grush has your section rehearse something, write down what he said so you remember to practice it.
- At home, if you make a mistake when you practice, stop and mark it so you do not make it again. Otherwise, you will get better at making that mistake each time you do it!
- Don’t just circle places where you made mistakes, write what you need to do differently!
- Rather than marking fingerings, mark note names. This will help you to learn the note names better.
- Mark flats or sharps BEFORE the note so you will see them before you miss the note.
- Listen to the sample recordings and mark your music with who you should listen to at each rehearsal number.
If you have other suggestions, let me know!
All GoodNews/BandNews posts for 2011-12