The Maya could have had cultural diffusion with several other cultures like the Mochica, Toltec, Aztec, Mixtec, Chimu, and Teotihuacan because they lived in the same area around the same time. The Maya, the Mixtec, Mochica, and the Toltec could have had cultural diffusion because the Maya and Mochica made ceramic pottery sculptures and made paintings, the Mixtec made mosaics on their palace walls out of cut stone, and the Toltec carved faces into palace columns. The Mayans, Aztecs, Teotihuacan, and maybe the Chimu (who lived around the same time as the Mayans and Aztecs but in the Andes Mountains) believed in gods but maybe not the same ones. The Aztec and Chimu believed in Sky gods like a Sun God or a Moon God while the Mayans believed in Maize and Death gods and the Teotihuacan believed in Quetzalcoatl, a feathered serpent who created the world. The six cultures I think the Maya collided with through culture are the Mochica, Toltec, Aztec, Mixtec, Chimu, and the Teotihuacan.