Our group worked together on most parts of the project. When it came to big parts of the project like writing the essay, we worked together to find resources and to write. Our most productive process was when one person was finding information and dictating it to their partner. The other person would put the information into their own words and type it in the Word document. Having a friend as a partner really helped because we didn’t have to be afraid to share our opinions. For example, if my partner didn’t like one the things I wrote, she could just tell me without any harsh feelings. My favorite part of the project was creating and designing our website. My partner and I took a lot of time to make the website both visually appealing and functional. One of the best things we did with the website was matching the color theme with our topic. We decided since we wanted to show that skin color or race shouldn’t have an effect on how we see people that we should make our whole website black and white. I think that we could have added more quotes from our resources and interview. Adding more quotations would have helped support our ideas and back up our information. Going forward, I will definitely stay updated with this topic whether that is watching the news with my dad or reading online articles. My partner and I will try to post more articles and links on yammer and update our website.

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