This project turned out to be a success. I was able to not use plastic bottles for the 3 weeks. Instead, I used my reusable water bottle. One of the main challenges for me were the plastic bottles with juice in them. For soccer, my mom usually buys the plastic Gatorade bottles. We stopped buying the plastic Gatorade bottles, so I used my reusable water bottle.
This activity made me think about my choices and how they affect the environment. Throughout the 3 weeks, I would remind myself that I was helping the environment. Taking this action made me feel good about my actions and choices.
Plastic water bottles are very bad for our environment because of a few reasons. One of the main reasons is that they are hard to recycle. Nearly 90% of plastic bottles are not recycled every year. Recycled bottles are not used to make more bottles. Instead, they are used to make non-recyclable products. This means that there will have to be more plastic for new bottles. Another reason is that plastic bottles take thousands of years to decompose. This means that they will end up in landfills which take up lots of space and destroy habitats.
I plan to continue this action and use a reusable water bottle. This science project has made me think that I can help the environment. I’ve realized that this simple step can help our environment in huge ways.
I think that everyone can take this action without spending much money, time, and effort. This has become a habit for some people and can become one for you too! If everyone takes this small step, we will have a healthier environment and community.
I think that I could try to start another action. I would start to use reusable bags when I go to the store. Whenever we go to the store, we just use the plastic bags. Even though we reuse the plastic bags, using reusable bags would be better. This action will also help reduce the amount of plastic used.
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